I write about self-employment, freelancing, tech, building tech companies and products and I publish articles and other content continuously. Stay tuned by signing up to my newsletter.
By subscribing, you will get notified when my next content is published before everyone else.
My first book (based on my article Frilansarguiden but with up-to-date and extended material) will be released soon! It will be called "Frilansarguiden" in Swedish and "The Freelance Guide" in English and will be written for the Swedish market. Sign up for it here: The complete freelance guide.
My podcast for tech creators ("Techskapare" in Swedish). I interview tech creators who have profitable tech companies about their journey to their first paying customer and much more. Check it out at techskaparna.se.
My company which I am founder, owner and CPO of and which builds mobile solutions to physical queueings. Check it out at flowby.io.
A forum on the web which is open, transparent, anonymous and which covers the topics of Freelance & Tech. Please feel free to ask questions and write answers :) everyone is welcome to the forum Frilans & Tech!
I admin of this Slack workspace with more than 2 200 members. In this community, we connect, share knowledge and assignments. We want to keep it free of commercial interests so only independent freelancers are welcome. E-mail me if you want to become a member: anna@annaleijon.com

Hiring tech talents aiming to become self employed - starting salary SEK 50 000. Check it out here.
My name is Anna Leijon and I am a self-employed freelancer and the biggest freelance, self-employment and tech advocate in Sweden. At the assignments I choose to take on, I usually lead new business initiatives in tech and I'm passionate about innovation. My background is that I am an engineer and I usually take on the role of product manager within system development.
I'm also passionate about building my own tech products and companies, writing (see my most recent article at annaleijon.se/writings), running and gaming (particularly Dota 2). I am also active on several social media. Please feel free to check me out - they are all linked below.

- CEO, Founder & Owner of Roawr AB
- CPO, Founder & Owner as well as Board member of Flowby AB
- Board member of Kvadrat Tech Stockholm AB
- Board member of Bimbur AB
- Board member of Alfa Konsult AB
- Founder & Owner of Téamo
Industrial Engineering and Management, major in Applied Mathematics - Optimization and Systems Theory
Exchange program in Applied Mathematics
I am proud to have had collaborations with different companies and organisations. Here are a few of them:
- Appearance in the podcast Kodsnack episode 449
- Appearance in the podcast Wetal episode 4
- My article published by IT-Media group
- Appearance in the podcast Kodsnack episode 414
- Appearance in the podcast Konsultpodden episode 18
- Guest blog at Cinode
- Our tea brand Téamo appears at Ehandel.se
- Guest blog at Businesswomen.se
- My article published by KTH Executive School
- My article published by Makeitnew.io

My fabulous lion logo.