Questions about freelancing with Anna Leijon & Technigo
Here is the extract from the chat conversation:
12:00:19 From Lisa G : Heej 🎉 Stockholm
12:00:19 From Emma Rådhall : Jönköping, Sweden
12:00:20 From Kai : Amsterdam
12:00:21 From Susanne Ekenheim : Varberg 🥳
12:00:21 From Grace Wetterlund : Malmö
12:00:21 From Sandra Gustafsson : Visby
12:00:22 From Jessica Ejelöv : Umeå too!
12:00:22 From Lina Dam : Hässleholm
12:00:22 From Daniela : Hey from Hamburg!
12:00:23 From Namuun Byambaa : zurich
12:00:23 From Filza Saleem : uppsala sweden
12:00:24 From Pernilla Sterner : Stockholm 🍿
12:00:24 From Agnes Torok : Stockholm
12:00:24 From Idah : Fjällbacka
12:00:25 From Usha L : stockholm
12:00:25 From Dimitra Kardami : Gothenburg
12:00:25 From Chelsea Trimmer : Stockholm
12:00:25 From Oskar L : Stockholm!
12:00:26 From Ida Sabic : Stockholm
12:00:27 From Elin Molander : Göteborg Sweden
12:00:28 From Camilla Gustafsson : Skövde
12:00:28 From Irupé Pozo Graviz to Hosts and panelists : Dentist in sweden 😆
12:00:28 From Thays : Stockholm
12:00:28 From Sara Lessing : Uppsala
12:00:29 From Anna Robertsson : Varberg
12:00:30 From Beckie : berlin
12:00:30 From Carl Öberg : Jönköping
12:00:31 From sara sundblom : STHLM 🥳
12:00:31 From Kalyani Ramidi : Stockholm
12:00:32 From Evelyn Del Carmen : Stockholm
12:00:35 From Sarah Österhed : Knivsta
12:00:37 From Victoria Gevärsdotter : Dubai
12:00:37 From nino : gbg
12:00:40 From Laura Lyckholm : WHAT?
12:00:41 From Andrej Kavrzic : Gothenburg
12:00:46 From Emma Urman : 👋 Jönköping
12:01:02 From Susanne Ekenheim : Move to bästkusten, no snow here 😁
12:01:13 From Laura Lyckholm : No snow in Borås either :D
12:01:19 From Laura Lyckholm : Or rain, believe it or not
12:04:42 From Technigo Team :
12:05:00 From So Youn Choi : Do we pay tax or do we need to enroll somewhere to government to freelance?
12:08:30 From Felicia : My initial reaction was, "I know her from somewhere." It just dawned on me that you were part of the group that pitched on the Swedish television show, "Draknästet." I hope everything went well with the baby :)
12:09:36 From So Youn Choi : What do I need to have my own AB?
12:12:06 From Kai : How do you set your rate? Do you need to set a lower rate when you have limited freelancing experience?
12:12:10 From So Youn Choi : What is that company called?
12:12:22 From So Youn Choi : ’Freelance finare’?
12:12:29 From So Youn Choi : ’Finance’*?
12:12:32 From Frida. W to Hosts and panelists : Frilansfinans
12:12:37 From Emma Baldwin : Frilans finans is the name
12:12:48 From sara sundblom : Frilans finans, or also “cool company”
12:13:17 From Thays : How do you know how much to charge considering the taxes?
12:13:43 From Naima Malik : Is it ok to start “Enskild firma”?
12:13:45 From Luca Di Filippantonio : Considering the responsibilities that you have with owning an AB and all that it comes with it, do you still recommend that instead of being self-employed (egenanställd)?
12:13:50 From Victoria Gevärsdotter :
12:14:09 From Filza Saleem : if you don't have an experience , then how to make the profile look good as the companies would choose freelancer with more experience
12:16:28 From Filza Saleem : how to find a broker
12:16:48 From Oskar L : I had a meeting with one of your recommended brokers and we joked that you should be getting paid commission by them 😃
12:16:57 From Namuun Byambaa : is there a min /h as a junior?
12:17:22 From Agnes Torok : If I have an enskild firma and no aktiebolag, can I still get assignments through brokers/konsultmäklare?
12:18:17 From Felicia : Is it possible for me to do this while I am already employed as a consultant in a larger company?
12:21:25 From Alma to Hosts and panelists : As a freelancer, how should you think about pension (Sweden)? Are you able to profit from the public pension system or do you need to save for your pension yourself?
12:21:38 From Agnes Torok : What’s the absolute minimum hourly rate (excl. moms) for a Junior UX-designer?
12:22:18 From Felicia : If I charge a fee of 1000 SEK/hour, approximately what percentage of this amount will be the final income after taxes, etc.?
12:23:32 From Isaac Kamran : ~500kr left. If you know what you are doing, maybe 600-700kr/h
12:26:58 From Isaac Kamran : Shark tank is the american one?
12:27:58 From Felicia : since you pitched, hows it going?
12:29:39 From Liliane Nordberg : What is your podcasts name?
12:30:30 From Pernilla Sterner :
12:30:38 From Felicia : I wanna here more about pitfalls!
12:31:13 From Liliane Nordberg : Thank you Pernilla😃
12:31:40 From Irupé Pozo Graviz to Hosts and panelists : Yes more about pitfalls
12:33:09 From Oskar L : Brokers also arrange afterworks and stuff sometimes
12:33:26 From Elin Molander : How established do you need to be in order to be a member off the slack-group?
12:33:57 From Elen C : what is the name of the slack channel?
12:34:24 From So Youn Choi : I have same question! What do I need to be ’established’?
12:35:03 From Anna : Questions on terminology: do you use the word freelancer vs consultant depending on weather the person is hired by a consultant company or not?
12:35:43 From Anna : Pt 2: I found this article on your website
12:36:25 From Anna : (Sorry, enter by mistake) Q: Why do you make such a distinction between aktiebolag and enskild firma?
12:39:52 From Evelyn Del Carmen : It is much better with AB, it is personal opinion
12:40:18 From So Youn Choi : Ive heard same, but don’t know why so want to know why!
12:41:02 From Anna : Yes!
12:41:47 From Elen C : do you need to have references as a freelancer?do employers check reference when they hire freelancers?
12:41:51 From Liliane Nordberg : If you have enskild firma and your company goes bankrupt they will go after your personal assets too. That is not the case when you with AB.
12:43:02 From Anna : Yes there are pros and cons to AB, but I cannot see why Anna does not consider you anyone to have their own business (”vara egenföretagare” i artikeln) if you choose enskilda firma.
12:44:29 From Evelyn Del Carmen : If you do freelancing full-time it is a pro if you have AB
12:46:38 From Kai : Is there a way to start freelancing in Sweden without starting a company? since in the beginning, we might not be sure if this is a path we want to continue.
12:47:32 From Vidar K : Yes there are plenty of services that lets you bill your customer without you having your own company. They will pay taxes etc for you.
12:47:42 From Evelyn Del Carmen : You can do freelancing through Frilans Finans, without having a company
12:47:51 From Agnes Torok : @Kai, I think then Frilansfinans or Cool Company are the some companies that can do all the administration for you.
12:47:59 From Evelyn Del Carmen : But then they take 10% of your rate.
12:48:06 From Agnes Torok : Exactly
12:48:10 From Kai : Thanks!
12:54:59 From Vidar K : It’s much better to have an AB if you make more than 51000kr per month, the taxes will be lower because you can do “lågbeskattad utdelning” instead of having to pay “statlig skatt”. You can also save money in the company to pay yourself later, you can’t do that with enskild firma.
12:56:10 From Agnes Torok : Interesting! Thanks @Vidar, gonna read more into that!
12:56:21 From nino : tysm 👏👏
12:56:41 From Liliane Nordberg : Thank you!
12:57:02 From Elen C : thanks for a great info!
12:57:05 From Felicia : Thank you so much!
12:57:06 From Susanne Ekenheim : Thank you!
12:57:07 From Vidar K : Thank you :)
12:57:08 From Namuun Byambaa : yeeeea thankyuuu 🙂)$
12:57:08 From Emma Rådhall : Tack! Ha det fint!
Read the full guide here: Frilansarguiden [only available in Swedish]. Available at Youtube at this link.

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