How to start freelancing & becoming self-employed with Anna Leijon & Technigo
We have 45 minutes at our disposal - we'll take the questions at the end - we’ll go through an introduction to “how to become self-employed and a freelancer”
Introducing me
Anna Leijon, I am 31 years old, master’s degree in industrial engineering & management from KTH, been self-employed now for 4 years. Besides taking on assignments as an expert in tech product development, I also have my own companies, brands, podcast, blog/webistes, speaker and writing engagements. Side hustles - my own tea brand, my own t-shirt Roawr AB - im living the freelancer life.
Why am i an expert in freelancing and self-employment? Well i have converted several hundreds or even thousands to becoming self-employed, I host a slack community with over 600 members of swedish freelancers, i have a forum called “freelance & Tech”, i create content continuously within this area and ive been called the “mother of brokers", “freelancer evangelist”, "leader of the freelance revolution” and so on.
Why am i doing this
There is a freelance revolution going on. The fundamental drivers in the jobs market are changing and - for the better for the employee. Talents in general and tech talents in particular are forcing these changes. Oh - you want my competence, you better pay up and flex it up! Such as face time, other controlling factors, having to take part in company activities and such - as a consultant you are much more spared from these things - for the better. You dont have to climb the corporate ladder, kiss any bosses ass, hide yourself in social media (because what if my boss sees it?) (HOW MANY HERE HAS THOUGHT TWICE BEFORE PUTTING SOMETHING UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA BECAUSE YOU’RE AFRAID YOUR BOSS OR COLLEAGUES MIGHT SEE IT? - fuck that - when youre self-employed you do not have any boss who is looking over your shoulder, constantly judging and micro-managing you. The conclusion is that i want everyone to make an informed choice between being self-employed or being hired. Most of us go through life not thinking that there is an alternative to being employed, but there is and im here to help you understand what it is so that you too can make an informed choice. If you choose employment after that, I do not care, but at least you are aware of the different options and you are in charge of your future. I cannot imagine anything sadder than a person going through life being employed, trying to climb the corporate ladder, hating every minute of it and not knowing that there are alternatives.
What is it?
Freelancing & self-employment. You can be a freelancer without being self-employed and vice versa. I strongly recommend that you become both. A self-employed freelancer is the highest form of freelancing. It generate the most money in your own pocket at the end of the day.
Why become self-employed and a freelancer?
Earn more, more independence, flexibility, free time, remote, change assignments often, save up money in your company and invest them in your own hobbies - there is not anything you cannot do - you are free! You are free economically, time-wise, mentally, socially - everything.
17 steps:
Read the full guide here: Frilansarguiden [only available in Swedish]. Available at Youtube at this link.
Please check out some of the other videos and podcasts I am also featured in. For example: Kodsnack - man ska börja med att sluta, Framtidsspaning i pandemin and Product managers' round tables discussion.

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