These are some random memes that I have collected. Some I have created myself and some I have gathered from the internet. They can be on different themes. They are hopefully honest, funny and thought provoking. Others might just be provocative or inspirational due to some other reason. The purpose is to make you laugh, think twice and hopefully turn your feelings into actions. Hopefully some of you recognize yourselves :)
Self-employment memes
These memes are on the self-employment theme. If you are self-employed you might recognize yourself in them and if you are not, you get a glimpse of the self-employed life :)

Self employed memes - Employee of the month

Self employed memes - Can't get fired

Self employed memes - Staff meetings

Self employed memes - Benefits

Self employed memes - Tax
Self employed memes - I have no idea what I'm doing - Annual report
Self employed memes - A whole new world
Self employed memes - Paid company parties
Self employed memes - Office politics
Self employed memes - For every hour I work as self-employed

Self employed meme - I love tax season

Self employed memes - Safe for work
Honest work memes
I want to change the job market from the core because I believe that it is dysfunctional. Some of these memes pinpoint exactly what is wrong with the current jobs market.

Honest work meme - If I just work hard...

Honest work meme - How we are taught to measure success diagram

Honest work meme - I sold an hour of my life

Honest work meme - You do not need to befriend everyone at work

Honest work meme - Horrible bosses - no matter how much effort you put in...
/Anna Leijon
Additional note:
2021-02-09 We launched The 1 Year Freelance Deal. We are hiring tech talents who are aiming to become self-employed with a starting salary from SEK 50 000. Check it out if the description sounds like you! :)
2021-02-09 We launched The 1 Year Freelance Deal. We are hiring tech talents who are aiming to become self-employed with a starting salary from SEK 50 000. Check it out if the description sounds like you! :)